The Smartzer brand has undergone a transformation over the past couple of months. Being a boutique, bespoke tech company focusing on fashion and retail, we felt we needed to reshape our brand to reflect our four key principles; innovative, bespoke, professional and optimistic. Following long hours of brainstorming, sketching and designing we finally brought together the new face of Smartzer. The rebranding has covered everything from the logo to our basic colouring and player designs. Following a number of iterations for the logo, where we explored variations of images that would convey layers and clickable ‘hotspots’ in the shoppable videos, we decided to go for a geometric image with interlacing layers. As for colour we opted for a darker colour palette, based on purple and pink. Our website and the rest of our branded materials are designed using these new changes as a backbone. We are very excited about the new look and hope you like it!